Thursday, September 1, 2011

Graduation Pic Hysteriaaaa

Graduatiooooooon! :)) Well, for regular pips, graduation march is on March (hahaha :P), but for irregular (i can't think of any other word to describe it :P) people like me it's on October! whoooo! Hopefully I could graduate, but naaaah, I think I won't but nonetheless I'm still super excited for our upcoming graduation photoshoot. I'm not vain, but I don't know why I'm super excited. Perhaps it's because I always love it when someone puts make up on me, making me pretty, dressing me up hahaha it really makes me feel like a starrr :P

Buttt I'm actually panicking right now! I still have no idea for a graduation creative shot. Before, I was so sure I'd be dressing up like a rock star. But then I realized everybody seem to have the same idea, a very generic one and I don't want to have the same creative shot like others. Oh I don't know what to do. My parents and friends always say that I should portray something like a hobby or interest. Well mine is music, video games, nature and wildlife, art, science and er... food. *sigh I don't know what to do! hahaha :D hm... my initial ideas include black angel (another generic idea), something like a shot with nature or animals, bad ass or something like Mafia, and plain cute Korean pic like the following:

huhuhu decision time! what shall I do?? Hm... What I really want is to have that spy pic (3rd one) :)) but I don't have a very good figure :| I'm really petite so I think cute Korean look would really suit me well. *sigh boooo! and that nature pic, I mean just the sight of the beautiful background bring a big smile to my face :D and the fallen angel is just sooo artistic (for me :P) hahahaha I don't know what to choose! :P


ellie said...

So love the last two pics! I'm sure you'll have to take a ton of pics..just to decide.

Anonymous said...

hi! thanks so much for your comment <3

congratulations on graduation! how exciting ;D i particularly like the last photo style. v. eclectic, whimsical!

Emmeline said...

Thank you so much for the sweet comment! Your blog is really lovely congratulations on graduating.

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