Sunday, September 11, 2011

FO and Early Christmas Wishlist part 2

ugh... it's been a few days since my last post. Im just so freakin' busy with school works :| Oh well, this is supposedly the 2nd part of my Christmas wishlist, but first I got to tell what happened with my ex-friend. Well, a day after she told everyone my secret, I received a message from her on fb saying that she's so sorry for what happened. And that's just it. No explanations whatsoever. I was so pissed off. I mean she could have at least called me to say sorry, or just say why she did that. I could have forgiven her easily if she did so. But no, she just said sorry. I may be lame for not accepting that sorry, but I'm always like that, the word sorry is not enough for me. Yesterday she came up with me, and just hugged me and cried her eyes out. She's a really touchy and emotional person, so I expected this to happen. But what pissed me off is that she did this in the middle of the crowd, where everyone can see. Like she's seeking sympathy of other people. I was so furious, I want to push her off, but I can't because I don't want everyone to think I'm being a brat. But hey ex-friend, you could have just pulled me aside and say sorry and hug me and everything would be okay. I am telling you, I might have forgiven you but I'm in no way forgetting this. Ugh... I hate this feeling. 

Anyway, so this is the second part of my wishlist :)

6. A phone call from someone special. Hahaha this might be lame, but when I think about it, the last time I received a special call from someone was like almost a year ago :)) And when I say special call it meant like a good long convo, just catching up on each other. Not a necessity call. Definitely not a booty call. Just you know, like, "hey V i missed you, what's up?". All the calls I've been receiving lately are school or organization related. Oh, I've been getting calls from my family too, but those are more, "What time will you be home?". hahaha or my friends' hang out call " HEYY dude! come over now! Over and Out!" hahaha :) The special call from someone special that I wish need not be romantic. Just a good long convo is fine with me :)

7. I asked my close guy friend, "What do you want for Christmas?". He answered, "All I need for Christmas... is love". So for my 7th wish, I hope he'd find love before Christmas :))

for the next numbers.... er.... i dunno, I haven't thought about them yet :P till next time :D



ellie said...

Wow, I'm glad you know all sides of your friend and how she is. Thats sweet on your wish list.

Baiba said...

ok, first - the fact that she did it in front of a crowd is pathethic. Because she knows that everyone will see how nice she is and she knows that you won't push her away BECAUSE of the crowd... so it's a win win for her...
If I were you, I wouldn't forgive her either.

Second - I just LOVE your 6th wish. Sounds so cute and awesome! Sure hope you'll get it :)


Anonymous said...

Is she a dram major???

Just kidding.

Love your wishlist.

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